This week is mental health awareness week, and so I felt it was necessary that I talk about the importance of keeping our mental health just as fit as our physical health, and things you can do if you feel you need that extra bit of support.
Firstly, I want to start off by saying that it's okay not to be okay. It may feel like you're the only one struggling sometimes, but trust me on this - you are not alone. Don't be so hard on yourself, don't give up, it's going to get better.
There are many ways to improve/maintain a good mental health, but these are my 3 top tips to holding a good mental fitness.
Number one: Exercise. Exercise has been proven to improve self-esteem, mental function and also to reduce any negative mood you may be feeling at the time. Remember, exercise doesn't have to be a HIIT workout, it can be a stroll around the local park, some yoga, or anything that you enjoy. Exercise your mind too - problem solving things such as sudoku or solitaire (or like games) can really boost your mentality. Personally, I feel like exercise is so important because you can burn energy and just lose all of your worries in the moment.
Number two: Sleep. Getting a good amount of sleep is great for the mind because if you sleep well enough, you are bound to have a better day because of energy levels and not being tired etc. The recommended amount of sleep for a teen/adult is 7-9 hours sleep, so try to keep a regular time that you sleep each night. Some people like to keep a sleep diary which benefits them because they can track the quality of sleep and also a potential pattern in sleep routines. I believe sleep is crucial for the development of your mind, and I think that if you don't get the amount of sleep your body needs, you'll feel a lot worse mentally and physically.
Number three: Nutrition. As humans, we need the correct vitamins and nutrients for developing our bodies. Many people don't get the right nutrients, and consequently their brains are underperforming. Each day, an adult needs 0.75g of protein per body weight (kilos), most adults need specific vitamins to stimulate brain function too. Vitamin B12 and folate are particularly good at regulating serotonin and dopamine levels. Drinking enough water is needed too, because you need water for digestion which will help the brain. Overall, maintaining good nutrition habits are crucial for mental wellness, because some foods help the brain, others make you tired and drained. For me, I get my vitamins by eating a vitamin tablet every morning, I make sure to eat 3 meals a day and I try to eat my 5 a day when I can.
Mental health is a serious topic, and too many people brush over it like it isn't a big deal. Boy, could they be more wrong? Mental health is important. Just as important as physical health.
Many charities are fighting against the stigma of mental health, such as @looseheadz on Instagram. They have some brilliant stuff on there - check it out!
If you're struggling, reach out to someone, give them a call. It's time to rise up against our inner feelings.
Please don't suffer in silence.
(ps. my dm's are always open, if you need to talk to anyone i'm here.)