Over the last couple of days, I've spoken to various people about progressing in my career in rugby, and about things such as school and college. The normal things have been said like wow, keep working hard, or that's so amazing, but only one thing that's been said has really stuck with me.
Take every opportunity that comes your way. Now, I know this may seem cliché, but I've really analysed this and come to the realisation that life if too short to waste, and therefore when anything is thrown at you, you need to take it and take it in your stride to become a better person.
Live every day like it's your last, take the risk of stepping outside your comfort zone to change your life. I truly believe that every step, even if it's only a small one, will lead you closer to your goals, whether it's a short term goal, or a long term goal. Each small step will take you to where you aim to be in life.
Taking every opportunity will help you to grow as a person, leader, friend and so many more things. Taking every opportunity will encourage you to find yourself, to find confidence and to learn so much about yourself that you might not have known before.
I think the reason why so many people are put off from taking that new risk and opportunity is because of the lack of support from their peers. An explanation for this is simply the fact that some people may feel scared when venturing into the open on their own because they don't have that support of their friends/family members. Or another explanation could be the fact that they don't want to lose their peers in trying to succeed in something they are really passionate about.
Finally, I want to encourage you to take every opportunity, because although it may be scary, it could lead you to a once in a lifetime opportunity that you might not be able to take again. And as cringe as it sounds, YOLO (You Only Live Once). Who knows, you may find a new interest, or you may meet someone who brings out the best in you. You'll never know unless you take the risk.
Keep shining, because you're the brightest star.
YOLO is a fave saying of mine! Go for it is another one. X